Sunday, October 31, 2010

HCJ - Freud

Sigmund Freud is known for his theories on the unconscious mind, psychoanalysis and for suggesting that motivational energy for humans derive from sexual energy. Free association was a technique that Freud discovered. It was a technique used within psychoanalysis to help patients learn about themselves and how they feel, and was used as an alternative to hypnotherapy.
  • We live in a Freudian world whether we like it or not.
  • Freud was seen as a sexual renegade - this damaged our idea of ourselves as noble creatures.
  • Freud's ideas contrasted those of the Enlightenment, because he believes we aren't controlled by rational things, whereas philosophers such as John Locke said humans are born with a 'blank slate' and it is the through experience that we gain knowledge.
  • He viewed sex as a motivational factor for our actions.
  • Women were seen to envy the penis; because women did not have penis' they saw themselves as bad and thought they had been castrated. As a result of this, women loved their father more because he had a penis, and rejected their mother as she lacked this.
  • Freud thought that "self-love" as a race was a barrier to science in 3 ways:
    - It stopped people accepting that the earth was not the centre of the universe.
    - Darwin's theory of evolution.
    - The conscious brain was not in charge.
  • The UNCONSCIOUS is the key to Freud:
    The mind is divided into 3 parts:
    - The Id - this operates on the pleasure principle and reacts from symbols.
    - Ego/Self - which is based on the reality principle; how to satisfy pleasures. (The origin of consciousness)
    - And the Superego - this has internalised rules of parents or society. (As Reich states, 'the policeman inside your head'.)
  • Freud said there are 5 stages of development:
    1) Oral stage - mouth - premature weaning could lead to problems - eating, smoking drinking etc.
    2) Anal - toilet training
    3) Phallic phase - Obsessed with penis or lack of. Women's need for domination. (Oedipus complex)
    4) Latency - Sex becomes unimportant until after puberty.
    5) Genitals

  • The battle between the Superego, Ego and the Id can result in REPRESSION which is when people lock their painful memories into their unconscious mind.
  • Problems relate to difficulties in any of these phases:
    - Sublimation - turning sexual energy into something else, art/ sport for example.
    - Displacement - shameful thoughts, turning them into something else/someone else.
    - Projection - sending feelings onto someone else. (E.g. Initiating a fight)
    - Rationalisation - returning to an earlier stage of development. (E.g. Fetal position for comfort)
  • The key to psychoanalysis is that you are hiding something form yourself. Freud claimed that he had found a way to deal directly with the unconscious, the Id.
  • Hypnosis, pressure method, free association and dreams are examples of this.
  • Ultimately these were methods to let off steam, because we could never escape the unconscious.
  • Freud believed that aggression could never be eliminated, the idea was to try and control it.
  • 'The group wants to be dominated' - there's a fear that no-one is in charge. There's a craving for a parent figure. (Now that 'God is dead'.)
  • Freud said that civilisation was there to control people's desires.
  • Freud said that in groups, people never gave up their libidinal feelings to their leader and the aggressive instincts to others outside the group.
  • Attacks on Freud:
    - Scientific predictions could never be proved as Freud was so vague. 'You hate your mother.'
    - No proof that psychoanalysis works.

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